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About Us

Alternative Chiropractic Healthcare places emphasis on treating the whole patient and on restoring and maintaining good health. Dr. John T. Waite created Alternative Chiropractic Healthcare which joined Wellness Rx in 2003.

With specific muscle tests, Dr. Waite can determine and explain to you how your muscles, nerves, glands and organs appear to be functioning.  He can correct problems in your spine and in joints, and can stretch or compress muscles to improve your structural condition. He may massage certain junctures of nerve, lymph, blood, and acupuncture meridians to stimulate glandular or systemic activity. He can advise you on how to stay healthy and he will pay attention to your posture and your feet. He can test for and suggest nutritional supplements to help improve various conditions.  He can offer a second opinion if you are under a physician's care, are seeing a chiropractor who is not an Applied Kinesiologist, or if you have been in an accident.

John PicDr. Waite is trained in many varied chiropractic techniques, including Applied Kinesiology. In addition to offering a wide spectrum of chiropractic techniques, Dr. Waite consults patients in nutrition and is in charge of radiological services for the Wellness RX group.


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© 2006, Wellness Rx, Inc., all rights reserved
Last Modified: May 23, 2006