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Patient Forms

Ohio BWC Change of Physician Form

  Form C-23 - We can manage the care of your industrial injury.
Print and fill out before your first visit.

New Patient Form

This form is for use by Dr. Nielsen's patients only.
Fill out and PRINT the form BEFORE you submit it.
Bring the printout to your first appointment, in case it does not get sent.


Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Marital Status:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Primary Insurance:
Medical History
Primary Problem: Why are you coming? Please tell your story of the illness in one paragraph followed by a list of all other problems you would like to discuss.  

Review of Symptoms: Please check all that apply

General: fever, chills, sweats weight change
Skin: rash skin problems
HEENT: hx. of sinusitis TMJ  Jaw joint pain
Neck: numbness or tingling pain down a limb grinding or clicking
Pulm: shortness of breath  wheezing
C.V.: chest pain heart skipping
G.I.: abdominal pain nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation
G.U.: urinary burning, urgency, or frequency
Gyn for women: discharge or abnormal vaginal bleeding
Last menses date:
  Total pregnancies: Total living children:
Endo: history of diabetes, hypothyroidism, hot flashes or cold tolerance
Aller/Immune: history of recurrent infection, eczema, asthma, sinusitis or hives
MuscSkel: focal arthritis, general arthritis, deformity, abnormalities of range of motion
Neuro: headaches weakness, tremor, double vision
Psych: depression or anxiety
Hemato/Lymph anemia, swelling, or apparent bleeding or bruising
Please list current medication with dosage and frequency:
List over-the-counter medications that you may take:
List all supplements that you take (and be sure to bring bottles to first visit):
Family History: What runs in the family? (such as  diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, allergies, thyroid, cancer, kidney problems, arthritis, gout)
Do you currently smoke? Yes No
Have you ever smoked? Yes No
  How much?
  When did you quit?
What is your current alcohol usage?
Allergies to medication:  Please list, with comment about the reaction.
Surgeries with year and surgeon:
Do you have any history of serious injuries or accidents?
List any diagnosis that you are being treated for:

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© 2006, Wellness Rx, Inc., all rights reserved
Last Modified: May 23, 2006